I wish the pics didnt look so pixelated? here. I prob should have dropped the resolution before hand. but yah. they actually came out pretty crisp considering that i didnt have a tripod on me. I just stood as calmly as possible, with a 2.5" shutter time LOL. anywho. enjoyy.. there will be more to come, especially when my tripod comes in!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
First Day Shooting
Posted by Kevin at 9:11 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Start of the Picture Blog
Looks like I have'nt updated my blog in a long time. Mostly due to the fact that I can't think of
any good topics to blog about. So I decided to do a photo blog since I got a Nikon D40 for Christmas.
Im probably not gonna write much in my blogs anymore. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
O yah. I'm new to the DSLR's, so the pictures might not be up to par. Theres a lot to read and learn about. Aperture, shutter times, exposure and such. but yah. Enjoy
Christmas 2008:
Posted by Kevin at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Hey guys... My last post was pretty much boring and unsatisfying. So Freddy gave me a good idea that he found on Hypebeast.com, which is a website that keeps people updated in the fashion industry. I guess I'm basically going to list 6 things that I find to be a necessity, and talk about each one.
Holy Bible
My source of Absolute Truth and Guidance for modern day predicaments. I honestly can't imagine where I would be without it.
I can't imagine where I would be without them. There always there for me whenever I'm in trouble or when I just need some guidance. They Love, Support and Protect me. What more is there to say?
Cap'n Crunch
Cant start a day off without the Cap'n. Best cereal in the world. Period
Haro Forum Lite Pro (Lo-Lo Edition) / My Skateboard
I just got my new Haro this semester, and I Love it. Its just an overall better bike than my Haro back home. I generally use it to get to and from class since the bus system gets packed. Biking to class cuts my traveling time in half. So yah, it was a pretty good investment.
Now for my board. I just got that Almost board about a month ago and as you can see, its pretty beat up already. I skateboard almost everyday now with a bunch of other friends, and its encompassed a lot of my time that I spend at night. I usally skate from 7-9:30ish. Sounds like a long time, but I think that time is pretty productive: 1. I get a work out, 2. I get to socialize and hang out with friends, 3. I get to progress a lot faster since I skate with some nasty skaters. So yah. I'd rather skate for 2 1/2 hours than spend my time running on a treadmill in the gym.
SnowboardingSnowboarding is one of the few things that I'm passionate about. I've been boarding since I was little and I'm glad I got curious back then, otherwise I'd still be a Skiier >.<

Music is a big part of my life. I dont know what I would do without it.
SideKick LX
Keeps me updated on current news. Email, Internet, Aim, Txt. Pretty convenient
Posted by Kevin at 7:54 PM 7 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Long time no Talk
Sorry its been a while since I written a post. Where to start... hrrm..
Ok, well right now im sitting in my room and its 2 a.m. I figured that I would just start typing, hoping that I'll have a brain fart and come up with a good topic. So yah, I've been here at my new college, Liberty University for about a month and a half now? I cant even start to describe how God has blessed me while I've been here. I just feel Him working in my life in a way I've never really experienced. My quiet time has been getting better(thanks to my dorm mates and my prayer leader reminding me), and I juse feel like my relationship with Christ has just been getting so much better. I feel closer to Him in a way i can't really explain. I guess you can say that I'm starting to see God more in life. Appreciating the things He's been doing in my life more. Appreciating the things He's been doing in my families lives. I think it has a lot to do with the people that I'm surrounded with here. The School, and how they make growing in Christ a huge priority. The amazing worship music. The great speakers and their messages. I'm just really excited and thankful that God brought me here. Theres so much more that I want to talk about regarding this topic but I doubt you guys wanna read more abut it lol.
Next Topic:
Girls are confusing...
I would write more on this... but I seriously dont know where to start.. which kind of defeats the point of a blog lol. O well.
Next, Next Topic:
So yah.. I've been wanting to get into photography for a Longg time. The only problem(which is a big one) is the fact that I cant afford a camera, let a lone just a body. If any of you kind people would like to donate to this cause, feel free to send me some money through Paypal. nah just kidding lol. I've been saving up, so hopefully I can get one by New Years. I'm probably going to take a photography class next semester just for the fun of it. Anywhoo..
Next, Next, NEXT Topic:
I can't wait for the new Snowflex resort thing that there building on campus.. Its gonna be Sickkkk.. If you guys dont know what it is, Its a type of foam thats supposed to feel like snow. The thing is that you can snowboard or skii all year round... nasttyyyy. Its supposed to open up by Jan '09. Its gonna be crazy.. there gonna have jumps, rails, and fun boxes, AND its supposed to be a lot softer than snow. So im gonna be trying things that i wouldnt even think of doing on regular snow.. but yah.. Im super excited .
ummm.. cant really think of anything else right now. ill write more later.
Posted by Kevin at 10:48 PM 5 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Short Summer
This is my first time "Blogging". So please bare with me and excuse all the spelling and grammar problems. I hope that simply writing these blogs will help my writing. anywayyy off to the subject:
This summer has gone by so fast. In two weeks I'll be leaving for Guatemala, and right after that I'll be leaving for school. I'm so excited, but at the same time I'm pretty depressed. I want to spend more time with my family. It seems as though were getting older and older and starting to go on our seperate paths. For example, my sister is leaving in three weeks to start a new life out in Chicago. Life I wish you only the best Ate, just dont forget about your family and friends here at home. We're gonna miss you. And pleaseee continue to stay healthy, we wouldnt be able to stand it if you got really sick again. Just dont get too stressed out when you first get there, because im pretty sure you're gonna have a lot of new responsibilities that you'll have to worry about. Anyway, I'll be praying for you.
Im really excited to start attending Liberty University. I can't wait to see how life is like on campus there, considering the fact that I did one year at PCC. People always ask me, "Why do you want to keep going to a Christian college?". The answer is simple. I want to continuously be surrounded by God's word and people. Im going to be honest, I am not strong when it comes to peer-pressure and temptation. It's one of the biggest downfalls in my walk with Christ, and Im truly trying to change this weakness in my faith. I know for a fact that going to a regular, secular college, wouldn't help my walk with Jesus. I don't know, I guess everyone has their own opinions, but I'm tired of hearing "State colleges are better". Im tired of people insinuating the fact that I'm not going to be able to get a good job if I go to a Christian university. I'm tired of people telling me that I'm wasting my money going to Liberty. Im TIRED of people telling me that the schools rules are stupid, and that I'm not going to have any freedom. Stop looking at the rules so superficially. There is an obvious point to all the rules, and that point is to be able to help me grow more spiritually. I feel as though God is calling me to this school, so I'm gonna endure another three years in a Christian college. Three years filled with curfues and other rules. And guess what? I'm not gonna sit and complain about them. I'm gonna make the best out of these last three years and see where God takes me.
Posted by Kevin at 5:03 PM 6 comments