Hey guys... My last post was pretty much boring and unsatisfying. So Freddy gave me a good idea that he found on Hypebeast.com, which is a website that keeps people updated in the fashion industry. I guess I'm basically going to list 6 things that I find to be a necessity, and talk about each one.
Holy Bible
My source of Absolute Truth and Guidance for modern day predicaments. I honestly can't imagine where I would be without it.
I can't imagine where I would be without them. There always there for me whenever I'm in trouble or when I just need some guidance. They Love, Support and Protect me. What more is there to say?
Cap'n Crunch
Cant start a day off without the Cap'n. Best cereal in the world. Period
Haro Forum Lite Pro (Lo-Lo Edition) / My Skateboard
I just got my new Haro this semester, and I Love it. Its just an overall better bike than my Haro back home. I generally use it to get to and from class since the bus system gets packed. Biking to class cuts my traveling time in half. So yah, it was a pretty good investment.
Now for my board. I just got that Almost board about a month ago and as you can see, its pretty beat up already. I skateboard almost everyday now with a bunch of other friends, and its encompassed a lot of my time that I spend at night. I usally skate from 7-9:30ish. Sounds like a long time, but I think that time is pretty productive: 1. I get a work out, 2. I get to socialize and hang out with friends, 3. I get to progress a lot faster since I skate with some nasty skaters. So yah. I'd rather skate for 2 1/2 hours than spend my time running on a treadmill in the gym.
SnowboardingSnowboarding is one of the few things that I'm passionate about. I've been boarding since I was little and I'm glad I got curious back then, otherwise I'd still be a Skiier >.<

Music is a big part of my life. I dont know what I would do without it.
SideKick LX
Keeps me updated on current news. Email, Internet, Aim, Txt. Pretty convenient
I'm feeling that bike
I wanna get one.
lets race. haro lite vs. GT avalanche 2.0
... get your d40 and go shoot.!
nice post. lol what did the comment say that you had to go an delete it?
i didnt delete it.. it was deleted by the person who wrote it.. lol
nice post - didnt know you got a sidekick instead of whatever phone you had when i saw you leave...
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