Hey guys... My last post was pretty much boring and unsatisfying. So Freddy gave me a good idea that he found on Hypebeast.com, which is a website that keeps people updated in the fashion industry. I guess I'm basically going to list 6 things that I find to be a necessity, and talk about each one.
Holy Bible
My source of Absolute Truth and Guidance for modern day predicaments. I honestly can't imagine where I would be without it.
I can't imagine where I would be without them. There always there for me whenever I'm in trouble or when I just need some guidance. They Love, Support and Protect me. What more is there to say?
Cap'n Crunch
Cant start a day off without the Cap'n. Best cereal in the world. Period
Haro Forum Lite Pro (Lo-Lo Edition) / My Skateboard
I just got my new Haro this semester, and I Love it. Its just an overall better bike than my Haro back home. I generally use it to get to and from class since the bus system gets packed. Biking to class cuts my traveling time in half. So yah, it was a pretty good investment.
Now for my board. I just got that Almost board about a month ago and as you can see, its pretty beat up already. I skateboard almost everyday now with a bunch of other friends, and its encompassed a lot of my time that I spend at night. I usally skate from 7-9:30ish. Sounds like a long time, but I think that time is pretty productive: 1. I get a work out, 2. I get to socialize and hang out with friends, 3. I get to progress a lot faster since I skate with some nasty skaters. So yah. I'd rather skate for 2 1/2 hours than spend my time running on a treadmill in the gym.
SnowboardingSnowboarding is one of the few things that I'm passionate about. I've been boarding since I was little and I'm glad I got curious back then, otherwise I'd still be a Skiier >.<

Music is a big part of my life. I dont know what I would do without it.
SideKick LX
Keeps me updated on current news. Email, Internet, Aim, Txt. Pretty convenient